These Three Pillars are the content areas of potential Constitutional Amendments we PROPOSE using Article V of our Constitution!
Term Limits for Congress and Senior Officials
The Constitutional framers knew our representative, republic form of government depended upon elected officials that were closely connected to the people they represent. They feared that wealth and power would be the product of becoming a professional politician.
Seniority has become the coin of power to rising to key committees or congressional leadership. The average freshman congressperson is powerless to initiate legislation or equally represent their contstituents no matter the value of their input.
The founders also forbid the concept of delegating their congressional power to an ever powerful, bureacratic machine that writes it's own rules, enforces the rules, applies penalties, adjudicates appeals, and has the power of law and fines against the citizens of the US. We now have more armed government employees capable of acting against our citizens than United States Marines to protect our nation.
Since Congress never utilizes their Constitutional power of the purse to control these agencies and departments, their only recourse is to pen a strongly worded letter of objection. Agency contempt of Congress is apparent in official committee hearing testimony.
Washington remains out of touch with America and enjoys privileges not afforded to "We the People" until we limit terms of office through a Constitutional Amendment.
Limit Taxation and Spending
Congress has proven time and time again, the inability to limit their spending to the extent of our taxes.
Congress's most important duty is to create a budget that sets priorities and funds the execution of duly created laws and policy.
Instead, they have overspent our ability to pay and created a budget deficit of $34 TRILLION and further exploding daily..... Nobody can accurately appreciate or fathom the size of this debt. We are nearly insolvent as a nation and the interest alone on this debt has grown larger than the cost of our own defense.
Every single government accounting agency warns that our spending habit is not sustainable. It would be impossible for the American taxpayer to ever repay this debt with increased taxes and revolt could be the consequences if tried.
But make no mistake. This debt must be paid by us and our future generations or we will default on our obligations and collapse our economic system.
Our only hope is have automatic, time initiated limits to taxation and spending when Congress fails to create a budget by the end of the fiscal year. Again, only a Constitutional amendment by you and I can remove politics and establish a strong financial house!
Limits on Runaway Government
Runaway government occurs when government steps outside it's Constitutional powers granted upon the consent of "We the People". Did you ever research the Constitution to find where government is given central power to decide what appliances you can own, what kind of transportation you can drive, or how your child is to be educated?
Don't feel embarassed if you cannot find them. The reason is they don't exist in our Constitution. Many of these ghost powers are rooted in court decisions that improperly expanded government to encroach into your life and limit your liberties with unelected, unaccountable bureacrats, regulatory agencies, and endless rules.
And the worse news is that these court decisions effectively amended our Constitution without using the directions clearly stated in Article V.
The only possible correction is properly worded amendment(s) that would confirm the original Constitutional definitions and intent and stop runaway Government. This is the exercise of our powers as American citizens to once again Secure Our Rights to liberty and freedom.