Our founding fathers would be shocked to see how Government conduct, policies, and regulations have affected your unalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in almost every aspect of being an American including the following topics:
Automobile Power Home Furnaces Air Conditioning Masks Vaccinations Church Attendance Kitchen Stoves
Equal Justice Free Press Free Social Media Border Security School Choice Equal Justice
Parental Rights Secure Elections Peacefully Gather Warrantless Searches ....AND WAY TO MANY MORE THAN CAN BE LISTED HERE.
The truth is that the original Constitution absolutely would never allow today's egregious conduct and the framers would never sign their name to such a product that did. The 1,648 state delegates from 13 states would never have ratified or accepted such potential runaway powers. The original Constitution did not allow invasion of your liberties. They set forth a system of limited government and checks and balances that always would make government responsible to the people. However, our government has seized it's own power and has now grown immune to the voice of the people. Fortunately, the framers gave us the Article V power to propose and ratify amendments to this Constitution and again curb runaway government. But we have to have the courage to use our unalienable rights to again make government responsive to the people. It is up to us now.....
"...That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government..." Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776.