Secure Our Rights
Welcome to a growing grassroots organization of concerned, volunteer patriots, just like you,
taking positive action to support our Constitution. Again welcome!
Has Government become the problem?
Jeopardizing our national energy security, forcing vaccine mandates, failing to protect our borders, violating free speech in conjunction with social media, shutting down schools and churchs, attempting to disrupt parental rights, operating dual systems of justice, and identifying concerned parents and church attendees as terrorist are but a few examples of what our government has become. Click Gov Problem? to see more....We have already won many elections. WHY NO CHANGE?
We see the downward spiral of more regulations, budget deficits, and greater dissasisfaction with government growth regardless of election results. But We the People can change this. Click Elections to see more...Who has the power?
"Our Declaration of Independence states "Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed". Liberty only exists upon this principle. Does our government listen to "We the People" ? Click Power to see more...We can regain good government with...
* Term limits on Congress and federal officials * Limits on Spending and Taxation * Limit to Runaway Government Click on The Three Pillars to see more.....
Our Citizen Movement
Secure Our Rights organization works to promote the local, South Dakota grassroots movement for an Article V Convention for proposing amendments to the United States Constitution. It matches similar efforts underway in every other state. Our resolution remains consistent with the present 19 states already approving the movement to propose amendments in the 3 topic areas.
States calling for an Article V Convention to consider:
1. Term Limits for Congress & other federal officals
2. Limit government spending and taxation
3. Keep government Constitutional...Stop runaway government
1 Georgia | 6 Texas | 11 North Dakota | 16 Alabama |
2 Utah | 7 Alaska | 12 Nebraska | 17 Wisconsin |
3 Missouri | 8 Indiana | 13 South Carolina | 18 West Virginia |
4 Florida | 9 Arkansas | 14 Tennessee | 19 Louisiana |
5 Oklahoma | 10 Mississippi | 15 Arizona | 20 Your state here |
Historically, we ask elected representatives to vote to pass positive legislation or defeat harmful ideas. When being honest with ourselves, this strategy often fails and conditions worsen. Through frustration we try and defeat incumbents in favor of new faces.
Rarely but occasionally we send new representation forward but only to find our new candidates fail to remain committed to campaign promises. Or the adverse circumstances may be not from the legislative branch but stemming from one of hundreds of government agencies or departments lead by unelected, unresponsive government bureacrats. Even congress cannot get a favorable responses from these government employees and fail to use the power of the purse for change.
Our next step is appeal to the courts (if we have the money resources to fight greivances) and these results often yield more disappointment than satisfaction.
IS THIS THE ONLY WAY TO FIGHT TYRANNY? Click below and see more...
Why do we need to use Article V to call for a convention of the States?
The Constitutional Framers addressed the inevitable fact that large states with enormous cities would control the vote and bully the congressional agenda at the expense of smaller, rural states. We would never have had a United States unless they gave us the arena where the states had the clear advantage in defining structural Constitutional questions through timely amendments to keep government within it's original and limited scope. They brilliantly crafted Article V as a safe method to balance our competing interests that meets the desires of the vast majority of Americans, not large cities. We will otherwise forever be at the mercy of a few urban cities and the superior numerical advantage they will always have unless we utilize the Article V provision of our Constitution. Surveys and polls clearly show enormous overwhelming support for term limits, spending limits, and avoiding a centralized-controlling federal government. Our remaining challenge is to help citizens to better know and understand our Constitution and the vast history of state conventions already utilized to address challenges too large for floor debate legislation. Especially when government has become the problem instead of the solution. Now, we need to step up and have the courage to save our nation.
How does the Article V convention for proposing amendments work?
Either 2/3rds of Congress, or in this case 2/3rds of the states can author proposed amendments. We the people of the states work with our local legistators to pass a resolution to set the agenda and convene to PROPOSE potential amendments. Thirty-four (34) states must pass a matching resolution in order to start a convention. Our resolution remains consistent with the 19 states, that have already previously passed the identical resolution for:
1.) Term limits for Congress and other federal officals,2.) Limit government spending and taxation,3.) Limit our government involvement to the original understanding of our Constitution (stop the runway government)
Absolutely no change happens at the convention except to define the specific terms and words for potential amendments within the topics set forth in the resolution. Nothing more is possible at the convention. The convention may study and eventually agree on the wording and the consensus proposals are set in stone. They are then referred to all the individual states for possible ratification (or not).
It may be rejected or accepted as proposed but it must be ratified by three fourths of the states (38) to ever take effect. That is intentially a very high bar for ratification and it was designed so to protect the sanctity of our Constitution. Our founding fathers knew amendments would absolutely be necessary or our union would eventually collapse. But the process is specific and meticulous by design which has been litigated and confirmed by over 50 court tests.
Remember, proposed amendments are nothing more than ideas for such debate by all Americans. We then study, test, inform ourselves, understand, question, advocate for or surface unintended consequences thouroughly on these proposals. This is the benefit granted to us by our wonderful Constitution. No change is possible without the overwhelming majority support from "We the People". Our states have already followed this process to ratify 27 amendments. Our Bill of Rights are amendments that were born through the state origination method which then forced Congress to respond to the states.
Today, we are simply following the constitutional process to seek the venue to offer needed suggestions that restores all three branches back to their original 1787 limits. We know Congress will never propose amendments to limit themselves. It is up to us.
Regardless of where the amendment wording surfaces, nothing changes without a super, super majority of states agreeing to the change that would improve our Constitution. This is our Constitutional clarity and brilliance!
Below in a link to the US National Debt Clock, which is updating live all the time!
Convention Experience
There is an abundence of historical legal precidence setting the convention process; which eliminates the myth of a runaway convention. Additionally, the courts have already evaluated and established legal precedents in virtually all areas of the convention process. The agreement by the Constitutional and historical law and scholarly community support the state driven Article V process as safe and necessary. Our Founders got it right!!!
Our framers:
Our framers 3 times specifically rejected allowing another "Constitutional Convention" when drafting Article V for necessary amendments. Instead they unanimously built a steadfast, iron wall method to safely "propose" critically needed amendments. They knew this process could never be utilized unless the process guaranteed protection of the original Constitution. This is the beauty and inspired thought behind Article V amendments to Secure Our Rights.
September 17, 1787
The US Constituion was written and proposed by state delegates to the Constitutional Convention during the summer of 1787. The four page document was signed on September 17, 1787 but had to be ratified by the states before taking effect.
Independence Day
By issuing the Declaration of Independence, adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, the 13 American colonies severed their political connections to Great Britain. As we celebrate our Independance from Britian each 4th of July, if you want to be accurate, it is preferable to say “Happy Independence Day” instead of “Happy 4th of July”.
Secure Our Rights: Mission
The purpose of "Secure Our Rights" is to facilitate the return to the original intent of the 1787 Constitution of the Untied States of America and the subsequent 27 properly ratified amendments. We recognize certain judicial and governmental actions have wrongly diluted and/or grossly misinterpreted the Constitution leading to today's divergent application of government. This new annotated Constitution is far different than the original document's construction. This miscarriage can only be corrected by again properly exercising Article V and again clarify the founder's original intent and the subsequent orignial understanding during ratification. Our end state is achieved when our limited government again functions within its constitutionally enumerated powers and the American citizen recognizes the difference.
Mark Levin at CPAC 2024
“But wouldn’t it be nice if we heard here at CPAC at least one damn politician get up and say, ‘I’d encourage you to support Convention of States.’ Rather than say, ‘We’re gonna cut this and we’re gonna cut that.’ No you’re not! Because Washington is not going to fix Washington. YOU are going to fix Washington through Convention of States, Article V”
Want to Join us? We want and need you!
If you are concerned about the direction of our country and realize that we hold our future in our own hards, we want you to join Secure Our Rights. Your 2 year membership of $10 or lifetime $100 membership is used to inform more citizens about our Constitution. We have no paid employees and put 100% of funds raised to further this mission.
Members are encouraged to volunteer and become more involved in a variety of ways. Just help us to know your unique talents and we will work together to find the best way forward.
You can also joins as a "Supporter". Supporters are citizens that wish to be known and counted as promoters of the mission of the organization without any membership fee.
What can you do to help?
We need your help to share our mission with your family, friends and neighbors!
Do you know a place where we can have a town hall type of meeting to share our mission and get others interested and willing to help?
Are you able to organize a place, time and promote a meeting in your area? We can be there to explain why, and how and to answer questions.
Maybe you want to learn more and hold meetings yourself in your area!
Are you interested in making a donation to Secure Our Rights and help support our mission?
Where did our name come from?
It came from the Declaration of Independence IN CONGRESS July 4 1776.
... "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalioenable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --That to SECURE THESE RIGHTS, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, ....."
About Us
Other Information
We are informed citizens supporting the Constitutional process throught Article V.
We stand for good governance, not anitgovernment.
We are a Non-Profit Organization (501-C4)
Donations will be encourage and accepted under the 501 c(4), which are NOT Tax Deductible
Contact Us
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